Trump Supporters Rally Outside Tower, Decry Justice System After Conviction

Supporters of former President Donald Trump gathered outside Trump Tower in New York City on Friday, expressing outrage at the justice system and urging Trump to continue fighting in the face of his historic conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Trump Supporters Rally Outside Tower, Decry Justice System After Conviction

Former President Donald Trump's supporters rallied outside Trump Tower in Manhattan on Friday, voicing their support for the former commander-in-chief and condemning the justice system following his conviction on multiple charges of falsifying business records.

In a show of solidarity, a crowd of supporters waved flags and chanted slogans outside the building, sending a united message to Trump that they stood behind him.

Trump Supporters Rally Outside Tower, Decry Justice System After Conviction

Trump expressed appreciation for the outpouring of support, lauding the crowd's enthusiasm and unwavering loyalty. "The support has been incredible," he remarked.

Those who spoke to Fox News Digital expressed deep outrage at the verdict, claiming that the justice system had been weaponized against Trump. They encouraged him to continue fighting as the 2024 presidential election draws near.

Trump Supporters Rally Outside Tower, Decry Justice System After Conviction

Juliet, a Manhattan resident, shared her transformation from a Trump critic to a staunch supporter. She lauded Trump for prioritizing America's interests and vowed to stand with him in his fight. "I love you, I appreciate you, Thank you for putting America first," she declared.

Vincent, a Florida resident visiting New York, expressed surprise at the animosity towards Trump among some New Yorkers. He believes the former president deserves support rather than condemnation. "He’s the man, we love him," Vincent asserted. "It’s honestly a rude awakening, the people, how much they hate him here."

Trump Supporters Rally Outside Tower, Decry Justice System After Conviction

An Irish-born New Yorker echoed Vincent's sentiments, stating, "The people are with you, keep fighting, we’re right behind you. We want you back as our president. We need to right the ship, just keep fighting." He denounced the verdict as a "witch hunt" and expressed concern about the potential weaponization of the justice system.

Pitchfork P, a Brooklyn man clad in a red MAGA hat, believes Trump's conviction will ultimately benefit his presidential bid. "Donald Trump just won the 2024 election," Pitchfork P proclaimed.

Sisters who joined the rally outside Trump Tower encouraged greater involvement and unity across political divides. "It starts at home," one sister remarked. "We need to start practicing a little bit more kindness on all aisles, left, right and center."

Trump faces sentencing on July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention. Each count of falsifying business records carries a maximum prison sentence of four years.

In his response to the verdict, Trump described it as a "scar" on the New York justice system and vowed to "keep fighting."

"What took place yesterday with this judge … he's a crooked judge. And you'll understand that. And I say that knowing that it's very dangerous for me to say that," Trump asserted. "And I don't mind because I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to save our country and to save our Constitution."

Supporters remain resolute in their belief that the justice system has been used to target Trump unfairly and that he should not be deterred from continuing his political pursuits.