Trump's Black Voter Gains Could Doom Biden's Re-election, Warns CNN Data Guru

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten says that former President Trump's surge in support among Black voters is a major threat to President Biden's re-election chances.

Trump's Black Voter Gains Could Doom Biden's Re-election, Warns CNN Data Guru

CNN's data guru has issued a dire warning to the Biden campaign: Trump's growing support among Black voters could be "deadly" for the president's re-election hopes.

Appearing on "CNN News Central," Harry Enten analyzed polling data that showed Trump has doubled his share of the Black vote since 2020, from 10% to 21%. Meanwhile, Biden's support among Black voters has plummeted from 81% to 70%.

Trump's Black Voter Gains Could Doom Biden's Re-election, Warns CNN Data Guru

Enten described this as a "clear decline" for the Biden campaign, particularly among younger Black voters. He cited data that indicates Trump has gained 27% support among Black voters under 49, while Biden has only 64%.

"These numbers, to be honest, could be deadly to Joe Biden's campaign," Enten said. "If this trend continues, it would be the best performance for a Republican presidential candidate among Black voters in 64 years."

Trump's Black Voter Gains Could Doom Biden's Re-election, Warns CNN Data Guru

Enten noted that Trump's gains in Black support would put him over the top in several key swing states, such as Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

"You would see that the states that shift are Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania … and Wisconsin," Enten said.

Anchor Boris Sanchez called the numbers "a big opening for Republicans," adding, "That is an alarm right there."

Enten's analysis adds to growing concerns within the Biden campaign about declining support among Black voters. Earlier this month, Enten warned that Biden was in trouble because of this trend.

Trump's gains among Black voters are particularly concerning because they represent a demographic that has traditionally been a strong base for the Democratic Party. If Trump is able to make further inroads with this group, it could significantly boost his chances of winning the presidency in 2024.

The Biden campaign has acknowledged the need to address this issue. In a recent speech, Biden pledged to do more to listen to the concerns of Black voters and to address the challenges they face.

However, it remains to be seen whether Biden's efforts will be enough to stem the tide of Black voters who are moving towards Trump. If he is unable to do so, it could spell doom for his re-election chances.