Trump's Black Voter Surge 'Troubling Sign' for Biden Campaign

Data analyst Harry Enten warns that Biden's declining support among Black voters and Trump's surge in popularity are a serious concern for the Biden campaign.

Trump's Black Voter Surge 'Troubling Sign' for Biden Campaign

Data analyst Harry Enten of CNN has expressed concern over recent polling data showing a decline in support for President Biden among Black voters and a surge in support for former President Trump.

Enten analyzed recent polls which found that Biden's support among Black voters had dwindled, while Trump's support had surged. This, he said, was a "troubling sign" for the Biden campaign.

Trump's Black Voter Surge 'Troubling Sign' for Biden Campaign

"My goodness gracious," Enten exclaimed as he reacted to the polling average, which showed Trump's support among Black voters more than doubled to 22% compared to 2020. Biden, meanwhile, saw a 12% drop, though he still holds a 47-point lead.

If this trend continues into November, Enten said, Trump could win a larger share of Black voters than any Republican candidate since 1960.

Trump's Black Voter Surge 'Troubling Sign' for Biden Campaign

"This would be by far the best performance for a Republican candidate among Black voters in a generation, two generations, probably since 1960 and Richard Nixon against John F. Kennedy … This could be a truly historic margin," he said. "It’s quite a troubling sign for the Biden campaign."

However, there's a stark difference when factoring age. The polling average CNN cited showed 82% of Black voters 50 and older, but that dropped to 62% for voters under 50. Trump has support from 25% of Black voters from 18 to 49 — three times more than older voters.

"This is historic. This is what a lot of folks have been talking about, that Joe Biden has a specific problem among younger Black voters, and that is exactly what showing up right here," Enten said. "It‘s these younger Black voters who very much are turning on him and being much more supportive of Donald Trump than they were four years ago."

A Washington Post-Ipsos poll from April found enthusiasm was down among Black voters and that fewer are expected to turn out this election.

The latest Fox News poll shows Biden receiving 72% support among Black voters. That’s up from 66% in February, but still a drop from his 79% before the 2020 election. Among all voters, Trump holds a narrow lead over Biden.

These polling results are certainly concerning for the Biden campaign, and they will need to address the concerns of Black voters if they want to secure their support in the upcoming election.