Trump's Gun Rights in the Spotlight: Second Amendment Group Vows to Sue NYPD

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is preparing to file a lawsuit against the New York Police Department if former President Donald Trump's concealed carry license is revoked following his recent felony conviction. The group argues that Trump's Second Amendment rights should not be affected by his non-violent crime conviction.

Trump's Gun Rights in the Spotlight: Second Amendment Group Vows to Sue NYPD

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has announced its intention to sue the New York Police Department (NYPD) if the department revokes former President Donald Trump's concealed carry license following his felony conviction in the hush money trial. The group's founder and Executive Vice President, Alan M. Gottlieb, said in a press release that SAF is willing to "challenge the law" to defend Trump's ownership of firearms.

"If Donald Trump is further prosecuted for owning firearms," Gottlieb said, "we will offer to defend him and challenge the law."

Trump's Gun Rights in the Spotlight: Second Amendment Group Vows to Sue NYPD

SAF's pledge to take on the New York court system comes despite the state's law mandating that convicted felons are not allowed to have firearm permits. Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is also a federal crime. However, SAF maintains that Trump's conviction for a non-violent crime should not result in the loss of his Second Amendment rights.

"Donald Trump has no history of violent crime," Gottlieb explained. "Under the Supreme Court’s 2022 Bruen ruling, which requires gun laws to have some analogous connection to historical regulation at the time the Founders wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights, Mr. Trump should not lose his Second Amendment rights."

Trump's Gun Rights in the Spotlight: Second Amendment Group Vows to Sue NYPD

Gottlieb further argued that there is no historical nexus to deny someone, including Trump, of their gun rights over such a conviction. He believes that the NYPD's preparation to revoke Trump's gun license highlights the need for reform in gun rights legislation.

"The attack on Trump’s gun rights emphasizes the need to revisit existing gun control laws and change them to protect an individual’s gun rights," Gottlieb observed. "Until that happens, we will be more than happy to meet New York State or the federal government in court."

Trump's Gun Rights in the Spotlight: Second Amendment Group Vows to Sue NYPD

SAF has a history of litigating challenges to restore gun rights for people convicted of non-violent crimes. Executive Director Adam Kraut said that the gun group has "litigated challenges in the past to restore gun rights for people convicted of non-violent crimes, and we will do so again."

"SAF has 60 cases currently in progress, and has won decisions that have landed in the U.S. Supreme Court," Gottlieb stated. "Our motto is ‘Winning Gun Rights One Lawsuit at a Time.’ That will include protecting and winning Donald Trump’s gun rights."

Trump's Gun Rights in the Spotlight: Second Amendment Group Vows to Sue NYPD

The SAF's pledge to defend Trump's gun rights has drawn mixed reactions. Some supporters believe that it is essential to protect the Second Amendment rights of all citizens, regardless of their political affiliation. Others argue that Trump's conviction should disqualify him from owning firearms.

The legal battle over Trump's gun rights is likely to be closely watched by gun rights advocates and legal experts alike. The outcome of the case could have implications for the interpretation of the Second Amendment and the rights of convicted felons to own firearms.