Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Actor Tyrese Gibson has revealed shocking details about his childhood, disclosing that his mother exploited him and his siblings by pretending they had intellectual disabilities to receive government assistance. Gibson describes the extreme lengths his mother took to earn extra cash, including having him delay his answers during assessments.

Tyrese Gibson has unveiled a harrowing account of his childhood, alleging that his mother used him and his siblings as pawns in a scheme to obtain government aid. The "Fast & Furious" actor shared these disturbing details on the "Million Dollaz Worth of Game" podcast.

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Gibson, who was raised in a single-parent household in a Los Angeles neighborhood, explained that his mother, Patricia Murray Gibson, resorted to desperate measures to support their family. He recalled how she forced him and his siblings to feign intellectual disabilities, disguising their true abilities to deceive social service agencies.

"My mama made us go to [the] Social Security building and play r-----ed," Gibson revealed, referring to the "retarded" slur. "Straight up – government cheese." He emphasized that his mother's actions were driven by financial desperation.

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Gibson vividly recounted his experiences at these assessments, where he followed his mother's instructions to delay his answers and act as if he were struggling cognitively. He recalled a woman placing a puzzle before him and "talking to me like I'm slow."

Although Gibson did not provide explicit details about his siblings' involvement, he confirmed that he and his brother underwent these assessments. He expressed his gratitude for his current success, acknowledging that his life could have taken a different path had he not overcome these childhood challenges.

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

"My whole career – felt like a rental car. Like at some point, I gotta give it back," he admitted. "I'm almost at 30 years [of fame]… God's got his hands on me… Every day feels like Christmas."

Gibson's mother passed away in 2022 after a battle with COVID-19 and pneumonia. Despite the pain and anger he may still harbor, Gibson has chosen to forgive his mother and focus on the positive lessons he has learned from his experiences.

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Gibson's revelations have sparked a complex mix of emotions among his fans and the public. Many have expressed shock and sadness at the lengths to which his mother went to secure financial aid. Others have questioned the ethics of Gibson sharing these details publicly, considering his mother's passing and the potential impact on her legacy.

Gibson's story serves as a reminder of the complexities of poverty and the desperation that can lead people to questionable actions. It also highlights the importance of providing support and resources to families in need, ensuring that children do not become victims of exploitation.

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid

Tyrese Gibson Recounts Childhood Exploitation by Mother to Obtain Government Aid