Ukraine's Peace Summit: World Leaders Gather in Switzerland

World leaders, including Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, gather in Switzerland this weekend to discuss peace in Ukraine. The summit excludes Russia's participation, raising questions about its effectiveness and the path forward.

Switzerland hosts scores of world leaders this weekend for a summit aimed at mapping out steps towards peace in Ukraine, despite the absence of Russia, which initiated the ongoing war.

President Zelenskyy's government excluded Russia from the talks, and Switzerland did not invite the country. The Swiss maintain that Russia's involvement is crucial at some point and hope it will join the process eventually.

Ukraine's Peace Summit: World Leaders Gather in Switzerland

Ukraine's Peace Summit: World Leaders Gather in Switzerland

The conference, based on a 10-point peace plan proposed by Zelenskyy in late 2022, is seen as a symbolic effort to rally international support and project strength against Russia.

Over 90 delegations, including representatives from the United Nations, will attend the summit. High-profile attendees include French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. US Vice President Kamala Harris will also participate and meet with Zelenskyy.

Ukraine's Peace Summit: World Leaders Gather in Switzerland

Ukraine's Peace Summit: World Leaders Gather in Switzerland

China, a key Russian ally, will not participate. Beijing believes such summits should involve both Russia and Ukraine, but supports efforts to end the conflict.

Participants are expected to issue an outcome document or joint plan, although finalizing the language is still underway. Ukraine will play a significant role in shaping the document's content.

The Ukrainian peace plan encompasses 10 proposals, including the withdrawal of Russian troops, cessation of hostilities, and restoration of Ukraine's state borders. However, only three themes will be discussed at the summit: nuclear safety, humanitarian aid, and food security.

Russia's reluctance to participate stems from its unwillingness to accept Ukraine's peace formula. Moscow favors a deal based on a draft agreement negotiated earlier in the war, which included provisions for Ukraine's neutral status and limits on its armed forces.

Observers believe Ukraine aims to gain momentum from the conference, reaffirming commitments from allies on issues like territorial integrity and future relationships. However, they do not expect the summit to produce a comprehensive peace plan or end the conflict.

The peace summit highlights the complexities of ending the war in Ukraine. Russia's absence raises questions about its effectiveness, while the focus on certain aspects of the peace plan reflects the challenges in addressing the core issues without Moscow's involvement.