U.N. Urges South Sudan to Remove Taxes, Allow Resumption of Food Airdrops

The United Nations has called on South Sudan to reverse newly imposed taxes and charges that have led to the suspension of U.N. food airdrops for thousands of people who rely on outside aid.

U.N. Urges South Sudan to Remove Taxes, Allow Resumption of Food Airdrops

The United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Agency has expressed concern over the suspension of food airdrops in South Sudan, which has deprived tens of thousands of people of essential food supplies. The suspension was prompted by the imposition of new taxes and charges by the South Sudanese government, which have increased operational costs to the point where the U.N. can no longer afford to continue the airdrops.

According to the U.N., the new charges introduced in February are related to electronic cargo tracking, security escort fees, and new taxes on fuel. These charges have increased monthly operating costs to $339,000, which is equivalent to enough food to feed over 16,300 people.

U.N. Urges South Sudan to Remove Taxes, Allow Resumption of Food Airdrops

The suspension of food airdrops has had a devastating impact on vulnerable populations in South Sudan, particularly those living in areas that are inaccessible by road. In March, the suspension deprived 60,000 people of food, and that number is expected to rise to 135,000 by the end of May.

The U.N. has repeatedly urged the South Sudanese government to remove the new charges and taxes, but the government has not yet made a written commitment to do so. The U.N. has also warned that the taxes and charges are also impacting the nearly 20,000-strong U.N. peacekeeping mission in South Sudan, which is reviewing all of its activities, including patrols, the construction of police stations, schools, and health care centers, as well as educational support.

The suspension of food airdrops comes at a time when South Sudan is facing a severe humanitarian crisis. An estimated 9 million people out of 12.5 million people in South Sudan need protection and humanitarian assistance. The country has also seen an increase in the number of people fleeing the war in neighboring Sudan, further complicating humanitarian assistance to those affected by the internal conflict.

If the new taxes and charges are not removed, the U.N. will be unable to continue providing life-saving assistance to thousands of people in South Sudan. The U.N. has called on the South Sudanese government to reconsider its decision and to work with the U.N. to ensure that humanitarian assistance can reach those who need it most.