UN Watch: UNRWA 'Hamas-Infested' and 'Tainted with Terrorism'

UN Watch, a watchdog organization, alleges that UNRWA employees are stealing and selling humanitarian aid materials in Gaza, while Commissioner-General Philipe Lazzarini allegedly ignores serious problems in aid distribution. The watchdog also notes antisemitic slurs and celebrations of Iran's attack on Israel in an UNRWA-related chatroom.

UN Watch: UNRWA 'Hamas-Infested' and 'Tainted with Terrorism'

UN Watch, a non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, has raised serious concerns about the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), alleging that it is "tainted with terrorism" and has close ties to Hamas. The watchdog group has cited numerous reports published by Palestinians in an UNRWA-related chatroom, claiming that UNRWA staff are stealing aid and selling it for profit, while those who report it face reprisals.

UN Watch: UNRWA 'Hamas-Infested' and 'Tainted with Terrorism'

The allegations include rampant theft of food and non-food aid, with some employees reportedly hoarding aid in their homes. One employee claimed that "80% of employees in the shelters have no morals or dignity," while another reported that a director of a school warehouse sold 50 cartons of food distributed in UNRWA schools for $100 each.

UN Watch also notes that the chatroom is riddled with antisemitic slurs and posts celebrating Iran's attack on Israel. The chatroom is run by a former UNRWA employee, Haitham al-Sayyed, who was removed from the agency in 2016 after publicly criticizing it for hiding a map that denied Israel's existence. According to UN Watch, al-Sayyed is still considered an influential figure in the organization.

UN Watch: UNRWA 'Hamas-Infested' and 'Tainted with Terrorism'

Frustrated by the inaction of senior staff, some UNRWA employees have confided in al-Sayyed in the hope that he can get top officials to listen. One employee reported that about 150 bags of diapers were distributed at night to those inside a school, while the school remained without electricity for over a month due to stolen diesel fuel.

UN Watch's allegations echo those made by Israeli and some U.S. officials, who have accused UNRWA of masquerading as a relief organization while supporting Hamas' attacks on Israel. Commissioner-General Lazzarini has recently called for countries to increase direct cash assistance to Gazans, claiming that there is more food available but not accessible.

UN Watch: UNRWA 'Hamas-Infested' and 'Tainted with Terrorism'

A spokesperson for UNRWA told Fox News Digital that they are looking into the serious claims and will provide an update when more information is available. UNRWA has previously denied allegations of corruption and ties to terrorist organizations, stating that it is committed to providing humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees.

However, UN Watch maintains that the allegations made in the chatroom and by UNRWA employees raise serious concerns about the agency's operations and accountability. The watchdog group has called for an independent investigation into the allegations and for measures to prevent the misuse of humanitarian aid.