Union Politics Undermine Underprivileged Chess Champions

Despite their determination and talent, Chicago chess students are denied a chance to compete nationally due to union interference, highlighting the damaging effects of power struggles on vulnerable children.

Union Politics Undermine Underprivileged Chess Champions

As an educator at Ella Flagg Young Elementary School within the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), I am deeply concerned about a troubling situation that is depriving our students of a much-deserved opportunity.

In January, I purchased plane tickets for 10 of my highly skilled after-school chess students to compete in the prestigious 2024 National K-8 Chess Championship in Atlanta, scheduled for May 9-12. These students, many of whom come from low-income households and foster care, have shown exceptional talent and dedication to the game.

Union Politics Undermine Underprivileged Chess Champions

However, our dreams have been shattered by certain underhanded union members within CPS who have peddled lies and fabricated stories to undermine me and prevent my students from competing. Despite our efforts and the overwhelming support we've received from generous donors and the United States Chess Federation, CPS has inexplicably refused to allow my students to participate.

Over the years, some of my actions and positions haven't toed the union line, and I've rankled a few people across the city. I hate to wonder, but I do, if this situation is a way to retaliate against me, using these remarkable students to do it.

Union Politics Undermine Underprivileged Chess Champions

These students, who have overcome significant challenges, have proven themselves time and time again, achieving remarkable success in tournaments both locally and internationally. Just recently, they represented our school in Canada, where they emerged victorious, bringing home 1st and 3rd place trophies and making history as the first "non-Canadians" to top a Canadian tournament.

The decision to withhold this opportunity from them is not only unfair but also goes against the spirit of inclusivity and equity that we strive to uphold in our educational system. My students deserve a chance to showcase their talents and compete on a national stage, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

Union Politics Undermine Underprivileged Chess Champions

While I hold no animosity toward the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) as an organization, I vehemently oppose individuals who exploit the union for their own self-serving agendas, particularly when they wield the plight of children as a bargaining chip in internal disputes. Children should never be pawns in adult conflicts or used to advance personal interests.

As educators, our foremost duty is to our students — to stand by them, nurture them, and provide unwavering support. It is through this lens that I have approached my role as a teacher throughout my career.

Union Politics Undermine Underprivileged Chess Champions

In 2006, upon receiving the devastating news that one of my young students was murdered in the streets of Chicago, I was confronted with the harsh reality that children are most vulnerable to violence during the critical hours between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Fueled by a deep sense of responsibility to protect my students, I took decisive action: I established an after-school chess club aimed at providing a safe haven for my students beyond school hours.

From its inception, my mission transcended merely teaching chess as a game of strategy; it became a mission to save lives. Despite their challenges, my chess champions possess incredible discipline and untapped potential, harboring aspirations of becoming future leaders on the global stage.

Unfortunately, their families lack the financial means to support their participation in tournaments and travel opportunities. Therefore, this national event has been funded by donors whose donations for such purposes were approved by the CPS Gifts, Grants, and Donations Department.

I have written letters to CPS leadership begging them to allow my students to compete, but they have ignored my pleas. Even my school principal is aware of this great opportunity and has supported the trip. Unfortunately, her boss, the network chief, has been misled by three unscrupulous Chicago Teachers Union members who've peddled lies and fabricated stories at the expense of the kids.

Through their participation in this championship in Atlanta, my students would have the potential to inspire others with their dedication and perseverance, leaving a lasting impact on our school community and beyond.

I implore you to stand with me in advocating for the rights of these underprivileged kids. Together, we can shine a spotlight on the incredible potential within every child and support these students in their efforts to compete at the 2024 National K-8 Chess Championship in Atlanta on May 9-12.