United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

A special rapporteur for the United Nations on the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, has sparked controversy over her comments criticizing Israel's rescue operation of four hostages held by Hamas. Several organizations and individuals have accused Albanese of antisemitism and have called for her removal from her position.

Francesca Albanese, the United Nations special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories, has come under fire for her critical remarks about Israel's hostage rescue mission in June. Albanese's statements have drawn accusations of antisemitism and have prompted calls for her dismissal.

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

According to Albanese, Israel's hostage rescue operation was a "humanitarian camouflage" used to justify its actions against the Palestinians in Gaza. She further claimed that Israel had refused to release the hostages eight months earlier when a ceasefire and hostage exchange were proposed, alleging that Israel "refused in order to continue to destroy Gaza and the Palestinians as a people."

Israeli officials have strongly condemned Albanese's comments. Outgoing Israeli ambassador to the U.N., Gilad Erdan, described her as "the very definition of a terror sympathizing antisemite" whose goal is "the destruction of the State of Israel."

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer echoed these sentiments, stating that Albanese "must be removed from her position immediately" for "abusing her U.N. mandate to spread Hamas propaganda." Neuer called for the U.S. and other democracies to "take action to fire Francesca Albanese now."

U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price, while not directly addressing Albanese's remarks, expressed strong opposition to the mandate of the special rapporteur and noted the individual's "history of incendiary comments online and in her public statements."

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

Albanese has previously been involved in controversies over her stance on Israel. In November, she declared that Israel does not have the right to self-defense against Hamas, sparking further outrage from Israeli officials.

In April, it was revealed that a newsletter from the United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights provided information on how to protest against Israel in the U.S., leading to criticism from watchdog organizations.

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

The U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres, has denied accusations of anti-Israel bias and pro-Hamas rhetoric. His spokesman explained that the secretary-general does not appoint or relieve rapporteurs of their duties, as they are independent experts appointed by the Human Rights Council.

Human Rights Council spokesperson Pascal Sim emphasized that the views of the Council are expressed through its resolutions and that the special rapporteur is an independent expert with a specific mandate to investigate human rights violations in the Palestinian territories.

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission

Despite the accusations and calls for her removal, Francesca Albanese remains in her position as the U.N. special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories. Her stance on the recent hostage rescue mission has further fueled tensions between Israel and the United Nations.

United Nations Official Accused of Antisemitism After Criticizing Israel's Hostage Rescue Mission