Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

The brutal murder of Genai Coleman in 2008 shocked the Atlanta community, leading investigators on a complex journey that involved identical twins, DNA evidence, and a pursuit of justice for the beloved schoolteacher.

On an ordinary July day in 2008, Genai Coleman's life was tragically cut short. As she waited for her daughter outside a bustling Atlanta mall, a stranger approached her car and pointed a gun at her. The assailant, after demanding her vehicle, shot Coleman in the chest and fled, leaving her alone in her car to die.

Investigators, led by crime scene supervisor Brittany Barrington, were faced with a grim task. The crime scene offered minimal evidence, with no witnesses or suspects. The victim's family's concern for her absence soon revealed her untimely demise. As the investigation began, Coleman's identity as a cherished schoolteacher and soon-to-be grandmother emerged.

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

A turning point in the case came from an unexpected source – a cigarette butt found on the floor of Coleman's missing car. The DNA from the butt led investigators to Donald Smith, who had a criminal record for armed robbery. However, upon questioning, Smith denied any knowledge of Coleman or her car.

The breakthrough came when police discovered Smith's identical twin brother, Ronald. Surveillance footage captured a man resembling Ronald purchasing cigarettes near the crime scene. When confronted with the footage, Donald initially denied it was him, but later admitted it was his brother.

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

Further evidence, including fingerprints lifted from Coleman's car, definitively identified Ronald Smith as the killer. He was arrested and admitted to killing Coleman and taking her car in an attempt to hijack it. The motive, he claimed, was a "hair trigger" that went off accidentally.

In 2012, Ronald Smith was convicted of murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, hijacking a motor vehicle, and possession of a weapon during the commission of a felony. He was sentenced to life plus 25 years in prison.

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

The tragedy of Genai Coleman's murder underscores the unexpected and devastating consequences of crime. It also reveals the unwavering determination of law enforcement to seek justice and the crucial role of DNA in solving seemingly unsolvable cases. For Brittany Barrington and her team, the pursuit of justice for Coleman was a personal and professional mission, serving as a reminder of the importance of situational awareness and the hope that even in the face of unimaginable loss, closure can be found.

As "The Real Murders of Atlanta" airs on Saturdays at 9 p.m., the story of Genai Coleman and the relentless pursuit of her killer will forever remain a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the tireless efforts of those who seek justice for the victims of violent crimes.

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA

Unraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNAUnraveling the Tragic Murder of Genai Coleman: A Quest for Justice and the Role of DNA