UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, exposes the disturbing ties between the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the terrorist group Hamas.

Amidst Israel's ongoing struggle for survival, the United Nations, backed by anti-Israel politicians, seeks to perpetuate the destructive presence of UNRWA, an agency implicated in fostering terror against the Jewish state. Despite evidence linking UNRWA employees to Hamas, the United Nations has brazenly claimed that they enjoy immunity from prosecution.

This immunity extends to individuals involved in Hamas's horrific Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel, where over 1,200 innocent civilians were brutally murdered and mutilated. Yet, the United Nations remains deafeningly silent, offering no condemnation or efforts to secure the release of the hostages taken by Hamas.

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner-general of UNRWA, audaciously denies Hamas's status as a terrorist organization, labeling it a "political movement." This stance enables him to dismiss concerns about UNRWA employing Hamas members and to refrain from investigating or dismissing known Hamas operatives within the agency.

Israel has provided irrefutable evidence of over 100 UNRWA staff members linked to Hamas and other terrorist groups, but Lazzarini has ignored these allegations. Moreover, UN officials have refused to acknowledge Hamas's use of UNRWA facilities for military purposes.

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

The United States, as a major donor to UNRWA, must not turn a blind eye to these alarming revelations. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged UNRWA's problematic role, but his administration's plans for Gaza remain unclear.

As the war in Gaza rages on, it is imperative that the United States takes a firm stand against UNRWA's complicity in terrorism. The agency has become a breeding ground for Hamas, poisoning the minds of Palestinian children and perpetuating a cycle of violence.

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

It is time for the United States and other donor nations to reconsider their support for UNRWA and to demand accountability for its ties to Hamas. The well-being of Palestinian children and the future of peaceful coexistence in the region depend on it.

Furthermore, the United Nations' blatant bias against Israel and its refusal to condemn Hamas's atrocities raise serious concerns about its ability to play a constructive role in the Middle East peace process.

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump must clarify their positions on UNRWA. Will they continue to support a failed agency that perpetuates conflict, or will they prioritize the safety of Palestinian and Israeli children and forge a new path towards a lasting peace?

The United States and the international community must demand transparency, accountability, and a fundamental shift in UNRWA's operations. The agency must be held responsible for its actions and its ties to Hamas must be severed. Only then can we hope to break the cycle of violence and build a brighter future for the people of Israel and Palestine.

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror

UNRWA: A Breeding Ground for Hamas Terror