UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

Hamas militants were filmed operating inside an UNRWA facility in Rafah, Gaza, further fueling international criticism and calls for cuts in funding.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has come under intense pressure in recent weeks amid allegations of its complicity with Hamas, the militant group ruling the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) released footage on Tuesday claiming to show Hamas terrorists operating inside an UNRWA facility in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

This incident adds to a growing body of evidence that UNRWA employees have actively participated in Hamas-led attacks against Israel. In February, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant alleged that "dozens" of UNRWA personnel took part in a deadly terrorist attack on southern Israel on October 7, 2022, in which over 1,200 people were killed and hundreds taken hostage.

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

Furthermore, a dossier released by Israel in April 2024 revealed classified information purporting to expose deep-seated ties between UNRWA and Hamas. The dossier claims that UNRWA facilities have been used as command and control centers and weapons storage depots for the militant group.

In light of these allegations, several countries have suspended or reduced their funding to UNRWA. The United States, along with 17 other countries, paused funding after the October 7 attacks. In March 2024, the US Congress extended the funding freeze through March 2025.

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

The United Kingdom, however, recently announced that it would release £21 million ($21.2 m) to support UNRWA's operations in Gaza, despite ongoing concerns about its ties to Hamas. The UK's decision has drawn criticism from some Israeli officials and members of Congress.

Despite the controversies surrounding UNRWA, its Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, has condemned the fighting in UNRWA facilities and the deaths of civilians. However, his failure to explicitly denounce Hamas and other terror factions for deliberately drawing the conflict into UNRWA centers has drawn criticism.

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

The alleged Hamas connections have also sparked calls for UNRWA to be designated as a terrorist entity. In the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, a bill that would cut ties with UNRWA and outlaw it in Israel passed its first reading on Monday. If passed into law, the bill would prohibit UNRWA from operating in Israeli territory and strip its personnel of diplomatic privileges.

In the United States, the House Foreign Affairs Committee has also passed legislation to recover federal funds previously distributed to UNRWA. The bill, introduced by Republican Representative Brian Mast and Democratic Representative Josh Gottheimer, seeks to direct the Secretary of State to recoup any monies already transferred to the UN agency.

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

Critics of UNRWA argue that it perpetuates the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by failing to resolve the refugee crisis and instead promoting a narrative of Palestinian victimhood. They also accuse UNRWA of fostering anti-Semitism and violence through its educational programs and hiring practices.

Defenders of UNRWA, on the other hand, maintain that it provides essential life-saving services to vulnerable Palestinian refugees and that any allegations of misconduct should be thoroughly investigated. They argue that cutting funding would only harm the Palestinian population, who rely on UNRWA for healthcare, education, and other basic necessities.

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror

The ongoing controversies surrounding UNRWA highlight the complex and multifaceted nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As the investigation into UNRWA's alleged ties to Hamas continues, the international community faces the challenge of balancing humanitarian concerns with the need to combat terrorism and promote peace in the region.

UNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn TerrorUNRWA Under Scrutiny: Mounting Pressure over Hamas Ties and Failure to Condemn Terror