Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing "Brainwashing Cult" Guise

Amidst the rise of the "Seven Mountain Mandate" movement, cult expert Dr. Steven Hassan issues a chilling warning about the rapid growth of "brainwashing cults" disguised as religious movements. With the recent release of the Netflix docuseries "Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult," Hassan highlights the worrying traits shared by its subjects and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).

In the wake of the Netflix docuseries "Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult," cult expert Dr. Steven Hassan sounds the alarm on the alarming rise of "brainwashing cults" masquerading as religious movements, particularly within the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).

Hassan emphasizes that what sets NAR apart from mainstream Christian evangelicals is the claim of its leaders to be apostles or prophets receiving direct revelations from God. These leaders typically exhibit a pattern of speaking in tongues, casting out demons, and performing faith healings.

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing "Brainwashing Cult" Guise

Former members of the Los Angeles-based Shekinah Church, allegedly led by Robert Shinn, have come forward with serious allegations in court filings. They accuse Shinn of preaching that without him, they and their families would be cursed and condemned to hell. They further claim that he coerced them into "fully submitting" to him under the threat of eternal damnation.

The allegations against Shinn and 7M have ignited a two-year legal battle, with former members countering Shinn's defamation and trade libel suit with 52 allegations, including fraud, human trafficking, forced labor, sexual assault, and unjust enrichment. While Shinn has argued for First Amendment protection as a religious organization, the legal dispute continues, with a trial date set for July 5, 2025.

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing "Brainwashing Cult" Guise

Miranda Derrick, a former member of 7M who featured prominently in the Netflix docuseries, took to Instagram to share her perspective. While acknowledging her love for her family, she dismissed the portrayal of herself as a victim or someone brainwashed. She stated that her decision to pursue a relationship with God in 2020 led to a request for space from her family.

حسن associates 7M and the Shekinah Church with the broader NAR movement, which advocates for the takeover of seven societal influence spheres, known as the "Seven Mountain Mandate." This includes religion, family, government, education, media, arts/entertainment, and business.

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing "Brainwashing Cult" Guise

The "Seven Mountain Mandate" has gained traction among followers who believe in retaking these spheres of influence for their values. Justin Poythress, a pastor at All Saints Church in Idaho, has critiqued this perspective, highlighting its misunderstanding of Scripture and Christ's purpose in the world.

A scholarly poll conducted in May 2024 by Deninson University Professor Paul Djupe revealed a significant rise in the popularity of NAR, with 41 percent of American adults and 61 percent of American Christian adults expressing awareness of the movement.

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing "Brainwashing Cult" Guise

Despite the serious allegations against 7M and Shinn, there is currently no active criminal investigation. The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office has yet to respond to inquiries, and an online petition demanding law enforcement intervention has garnered over 16,100 signatures.

The rise of the New Apostolic Reformation and its "Seven Mountain Mandate" has raised concerns among experts about the rapid growth of cults disguised as religious movements. Former members' testimonies and legal battles shed light on the disturbing tactics employed by these groups, highlighting the need for increased awareness and vigilant scrutiny. While the full extent of the NAR's influence remains to be fully understood, it is clear that this movement poses a threat to individual well-being and societal values.

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing "Brainwashing Cult" Guise

Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing Unveiling the Dangers of the NAR: Expert Warns of Rapidly Growing