US Allies' Lapse in NATO Spending Raises Concerns of American Involvement in Russian War

A memo from former President Mike Pence's lobbying group warns that the US could be forced into a conflict with Russia if NATO allies fail to increase their military spending, as some countries have not met their obligation to contribute 2% of GDP to defense.

US Allies' Lapse in NATO Spending Raises Concerns of American Involvement in Russian War

The United States could be forced into a war with Russia if NATO allies fail to increase their military spending, according to a memo sent to Congress by former President Mike Pence's lobbying group, Advancing American Freedom (AAF).

The memo warns that several NATO countries have not fulfilled their obligation to contribute 2% of their GDP to defense, leaving the heaviest burden on the US. In 2014, only the US, the United Kingdom, and Greece upheld this commitment, while non-compliant countries averaged only 1.3% of GDP on defense.

US Allies' Lapse in NATO Spending Raises Concerns of American Involvement in Russian War

According to the memo, some countries have regressed in their defense spending under the Biden administration, moving closer to 2014 levels despite overall spending growth. These countries include Turkey, Norway, and Italy.

"By contrast, the Trump-Pence Administration made improving allied-burden sharing a major priority for foreign policy to significant effect," the memo states.

US Allies' Lapse in NATO Spending Raises Concerns of American Involvement in Russian War

The 2% obligation refers to the commitment made by NATO allies to allocate at least 2% of their GDP to defense spending. All NATO countries in the region raised defense spending after Crimea's annexation, but Norway and Romania reduced military expenditures during the Biden administration, despite increased Russian activity leading up to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

AAF concludes that the US "must find ways to encourage and, if necessary, pressure its allies" to uphold their end of NATO's burden-sharing commitment. "Unless these trends are reversed, our deterrence strategy will fail, Russia will likely invade a NATO ally, and the US will be required to send troops overseas to honor our Article 5 mutual defense pledge," the memo reads.

US Allies' Lapse in NATO Spending Raises Concerns of American Involvement in Russian War

March Short, chairman of the AAF board, told Fox News Digital that "NATO has been rightly criticized by many conservatives for the United States paying the bill while our European allies skimp out and fail to meet basic spending requirements for membership despite flush social spending."

Amid a new Cold War with China, a resurgent Russia, and Iran, the Biden Administration has neglected to strengthen NATO by holding members accountable for the 2% obligation, according to Short. "Under the Biden Administration, just one NATO member has joined the 2% club."

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently stated that vital US weapons were starting to arrive in Ukraine in small amounts, but that it needed to move faster. NATO boss Jens Stoltenberg also acknowledged that members had failed to live up to their promises of military aid in recent months, but said the flow of arms and ammunition would now increase.

Last week, the US Congress passed a months-long debated $60 billion aid package for Ukraine, which was added to a $95 billion foreign aid package signed by President Joe Biden.

The memo from Pence's lobbying group raises concerns about the US's commitment to NATO and the potential consequences if allies do not increase their military spending. It remains to be seen how the US will respond to these concerns and whether it will take steps to pressure allies to fulfill their obligations.