US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator

In a major victory against the terrorist group, Khaled Ahmed al-Dandal was apprehended for his role in aiding ISIS fighters who escaped a detention facility.

The United States and coalition forces have scored a significant victory in the fight against terrorism with the capture of Khaled Ahmed al-Dandal, a high-ranking ISIS facilitator. Al-Dandal's arrest followed a successful operation by US Central Command (CENTCOM) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Sunday.

Al-Dandal's capture is particularly significant due to his role in helping ISIS fighters escape the Raqqah Detention Facility on Thursday. He has been deemed an "ISIS facilitator" by CENTCOM and played a crucial role in carrying out one of the terrorist organization's primary objectives: freeing detained militants and reviving ISIS.

US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator

US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator

The apprehension of al-Dandal comes amidst escalating operations by the US against ISIS. Just four days prior, US and Iraqi forces conducted a raid in Western Iraq, eliminating 15 ISIS terrorists. The operation aimed to disrupt the group's ability to plan and execute attacks against Iraqi civilians and international partners.

The latest arrest highlights the ongoing threat posed by ISIS in the region. Over 9,000 ISIS detainees are still held in various detention facilities in Syria, raising concerns about a potential mass escape. CENTCOM General Michael Erik Kurilla emphasized the importance of continuing efforts to repatriate these fighters to their countries of origin for prosecution.

US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator

US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator

The US, in collaboration with allied forces in the Middle East, has conducted approximately 200 operations against ISIS this year alone. Dr. Rebecca Grant, vice president of the Lexington Institute, characterized these operations, including the raid where al-Dandal was captured, as "a real success."

Despite the progress, seven US soldiers were injured in the raid, underscoring the risks involved in combating terrorism. The extent of their injuries remains undisclosed.

US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator

US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator

CENTCOM remains steadfast in its commitment to working with coalition partners to defeat ISIS and ensure stability in the Middle East. The capture of al-Dandal is a testament to the ongoing efforts to counter the terrorist threat.

As the fight against ISIS continues, international cooperation and coordinated operations remain crucial to preventing the resurgence of the terrorist group.

US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator

US and Coalition Forces Capture High-Ranking ISIS Facilitator