US Lawmaker Warns of Urgent Need to Beat China in AI Race

Representative Carlos Gimenez, a member of the House GOP's China Select Committee, has issued a stark warning that the United States must emerge victorious in the ongoing "race" against China for dominance in artificial intelligence (AI). Failure to do so, Gimenez argues, could have dire consequences for American security and the global balance of power.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Gimenez emphasized the critical importance of surpassing China in the AI sphere. He noted that China's relentless pursuit of AI, coupled with its advances in quantum computing, creates a formidable and potentially "lethal combination."

China has made no secret of its ambitions to become a global leader in AI. The country has invested heavily in research and development, established dedicated AI institutes, and implemented policies designed to accelerate its AI capabilities.

Gimenez highlighted the concerning aspect of China's AI strategy: the vast amount of data it is amassing. AI systems require massive datasets to learn and improve, and China's access to such data gives it a significant advantage.

AI technology is rapidly transforming various aspects of modern society, from self-driving cars to healthcare diagnostics. However, Gimenez underlined that AI's impact extends far beyond civilian applications.

In the national security realm, AI is revolutionizing intelligence gathering, military communications, and cyberwarfare capabilities. Countries that possess advanced AI systems will have a decisive edge in future conflicts.

Gimenez characterized the competition between the US and China for AI supremacy as a "race that we need to win." He argued that the country that emerges as the global leader in AI will enjoy a profound influence on the world order.

Failure to beat China in this race, Gimenez warned, could compromise American technological competitiveness, national security, and strategic influence on a global scale.

Gimenez outlined several recommendations for the US to secure victory in the AI race. These include:

* Increasing funding for AI research and development.

* Establishing a national AI strategy that coordinates efforts across government, industry, and academia.

* Encouraging the development of AI applications in critical fields like healthcare, manufacturing, and national security.

* Strengthening partnerships with allies and collaborating on AI development efforts.

* Promoting open and transparent AI research, while safeguarding intellectual property.

Gimenez emphasized that the US must move with urgency and determination to achieve its AI goals. He stressed that the stakes are high and that failure is not an option.

The warning issued by Representative Carlos Gimenez serves as a wake-up call for the United States. The race for AI supremacy has begun, and China is a formidable competitor. The US must recognize the critical importance of winning this race and take immediate action to enhance its AI capabilities.

Failure to do so could lead to significant consequences for American security, prosperity, and global influence. The time to act is now.