US Losing Continent to Russia, China, Iran, Warns South African Chief Rabbi

Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Dr. Warren Goldstein, warns that the US is in danger of losing the African continent to Russia, China, and Iran due to the ruling party's collaboration with anti-Western forces.

US Losing Continent to Russia, China, Iran, Warns South African Chief Rabbi

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Dr. Warren Goldstein, has sounded the alarm about the US's waning influence in Africa and the growing threat posed by Russia, China, and Iran.

Rabbi Goldstein expressed concern over the African National Congress (ANC), the ruling party of South Africa, which he believes has aligned itself with anti-Western forces. This collaboration, he argues, has opened the door to foreign influence that undermines American interests on the continent.

US Losing Continent to Russia, China, Iran, Warns South African Chief Rabbi

"The ANC has been cozying up to Russia, China, and Iran, and this is a very dangerous development," Rabbi Goldstein said. "These countries are not our allies, and their goals are not aligned with ours."

Rabbi Goldstein pointed to the recent attack on a Greek-owned, Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier, the Laax, by Houthi rebels in Yemen. The Laax was carrying a cargo of grain bound for Iran, which is the primary benefactor of the Houthis.

"This attack is just one example of how Iran is using its proxies to destabilize the region," Rabbi Goldstein said. "And Russia and China are only too happy to support Iran's efforts."

Rabbi Goldstein warned that if the US does not take action to counter these threats, Africa will become a battleground for geopolitical rivalry. "Russia, China, and Iran are not interested in peace and stability in Africa," he said. "They are only interested in furthering their own interests, and that will come at the expense of the people of Africa and the US."

The rabbi's concerns are echoed by other analysts who have observed the growing influence of Russia, China, and Iran in Africa. These countries have been investing heavily in infrastructure, energy, and military equipment, and they have also been providing diplomatic support to authoritarian regimes.

The loss of Africa to Russia, China, and Iran would be a major blow to US interests. Africa is home to some of the world's most important natural resources, and it is also a major market for US goods and services. Additionally, Africa is a key strategic region that plays a pivotal role in global security.

The US must recognize the threat posed by Russia, China, and Iran in Africa and take steps to counter their influence. This can be done through a variety of means, including increased diplomatic engagement, economic development, and military assistance.

Failure to act will have dire consequences for US interests in Africa and beyond.