US Must Brace for Future ISIS Attacks, Warns Former CENTCOM Official

A senior former CENTCOM official warns that the US should prepare for future attacks from ISIS, highlighting the ongoing threat posed by the terrorist group despite recent military actions.

1. **Introduction:**

US Must Brace for Future ISIS Attacks, Warns Former CENTCOM Official

US Must Brace for Future ISIS Attacks, Warns Former CENTCOM Official

The United States faces a "clear and present danger" from the Islamic State (ISIS), according to a former CENTCOM official who called for vigilance against the terrorist group's potential future attacks.

2. **Recent Joint Operation:**

US Must Brace for Future ISIS Attacks, Warns Former CENTCOM Official

US Must Brace for Future ISIS Attacks, Warns Former CENTCOM Official

In a recent joint operation with Iraqi forces, the US killed 15 ISIS operatives in western Iraq. The operatives were armed with various weapons, grenades, and explosives.

3. **ISIS Threat Remains:**

US Must Brace for Future ISIS Attacks, Warns Former CENTCOM Official

US Must Brace for Future ISIS Attacks, Warns Former CENTCOM Official

Despite the military successes against ISIS, the group remains a threat to the region, US allies, and the homeland. CENTCOM continues to aggressively pursue the terrorists alongside its coalition and Iraqi partners.

4. **Al-Qaeda-Affiliated Leader Killed:**

A week prior to the ISIS raid, US forces killed a senior leader of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated group Horas al-Din in Syria, responsible for overseeing terrorist operations.

5. **CENTCOM's Commitment:**

CENTCOM remains committed to defeating terrorists who pose a threat to the US, its allies, and regional stability.

6. **Increased Security Measures:**

Based on the continued ISIS threat, security measures must be implemented to enhance preparedness against potential attacks.

7. **Intelligence Gathering and Sharing:**

Expanding intelligence gathering and sharing capabilities will aid in detecting and preventing terrorist activities.

8. **International Cooperation:**

Collaboration with international allies and partners is crucial in combating terrorism and preventing the spread of extremist ideologies.

9. **Countering Radicalization:**

Efforts to counter radicalization and extremist messaging through educational programs and community outreach are essential.

10. **Public Vigilance:**

Public awareness and reporting of suspicious activities can contribute to early detection and disruption of terrorist plots.