US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

Dr. Jonathan Ward, founder of the Atlas Organization, emphasizes the urgent need for the United States to "reindustrialize" in order to effectively compete with China's growing economic and military prowess. He highlights the alarming geopolitical landscape, where emboldened adversaries seek to dismantle the American-led world order.

## Article:

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

### The Chinese Economic Axis of Power: A Threat to the American-Led Order

Recent aggressive actions by Russia, North Korea, and China pose a significant threat to the American-led world order. These adversaries share a common goal of undermining the existing international norms and establishing a new axis of power. To effectively counter this threat, the United States and its allies must shift their focus to combating the true engine of their enemies' power: the Chinese economy.

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

China has leveraged its economic engagement with the West to bolster its military capabilities and support its hostile allies. Beijing has provided Russia with crucial microelectronics and machinery, enabling Moscow's military advancements in Ukraine. China is also North Korea's primary destination for exports, financing its nuclear program. Additionally, Beijing serves as Iran's largest oil purchaser, fueling its global aggression.

### Economic Containment: A Key to Undermining China's Power

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

A comprehensive campaign of economic containment is essential to undermine China's influence and deter its aggressive behavior. This campaign should involve reducing China's access to American and allied markets, technology, and capital. Tariffs, export controls, and investment restrictions should be implemented to target industries linked to China's military industrial base, human rights abuses, and strategic programs.

Aggressive sanctions targeting Chinese banks and state-run organizations should also be considered. Businesses, investors, and other stakeholders must recognize the need to disengage from decades of economic ties with China. While economic dislocation may occur, it can be mitigated through reshaping the global economy in favor of the Free World.

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

### Rebuilding America's Economic Strength

To effectively compete with China, the United States must rebuild its industrial base, secure its supply chains, maintain its role as the world's reserve currency, and establish an alliance-based trading system. A new energy strategy emphasizing hydrocarbon exports can enhance energy security and mitigate price spikes caused by pressure on Russia and Iran.

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

### Public Support and Patriotic Sensibility

Public and private sector leaders must articulate to Americans the importance of disengaging from the Chinese economy. Patriotism, financial wisdom, and a winning strategy compel such action. Targeting the economic center of the Chinese axis will ensure the survival of the American-led order and the safety of its citizens.

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

### Conclusion

The United States cannot afford to dismiss the growing threat posed by China and its allies. By reindustrializing, engaging in economic containment, and rebuilding its economic strength, America can effectively counter China's ambitions and preserve its position as the global leader. Urgent action is required to avert future conflicts and safeguard the interests of the Free World.

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward

US Must 'Reindustrialize' to Counter China, Urges Dr. Jonathan Ward