US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

The United States has launched retaliatory airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, targeting facilities used by Iran-backed militias, according to sources familiar with the matter. The strikes are a response to recent rocket attacks on US military bases in Iraq.

The United States has launched retaliatory airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, targeting facilities used by Iran-backed militias, according to sources familiar with the matter. The strikes are a response to recent rocket attacks on US military bases in Iraq.

The airstrikes, which began late Wednesday, targeted a number of facilities in eastern Syria, including weapons storage sites and command and control centers used by the militias. The attacks also targeted facilities in Iraq, including an ammunition depot and a training camp.

US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

The US military said the airstrikes were "defensive" and "proportionate" to the rocket attacks. The US has accused Iran of supporting the militias that carried out the rocket attacks.

Iran has denied involvement in the rocket attacks and has condemned the US airstrikes. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the strikes were "illegal" and "a violation of international law."

US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

The airstrikes mark a significant escalation in tensions between the US and Iran. The two countries have been at odds for decades, and the recent rocket attacks have further strained relations.

The US has warned Iran that it will not tolerate attacks on its forces in Iraq. The US has also said that it is prepared to take further action if necessary to protect its interests.

US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

Iran has vowed to retaliate for the US airstrikes. The Iranian military has said that it will target US interests in the region.

The airstrikes come at a time of heightened tensions between the US and Iran. The two countries are also at odds over Iran's nuclear program and its support for terrorist groups in the region.

US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

US Retaliatory Airstrikes Begin in Syria and Iraq

The airstrikes are likely to further escalate tensions between the US and Iran. It remains to be seen how the two countries will respond to the latest developments.

* The US airstrikes were carried out by a combination of manned and unmanned aircraft.

* The strikes targeted facilities used by a number of Iran-backed militias, including Kataib Hezbollah and Asaib Ahl al-Haq.

* The US military said the airstrikes were "successful" and that they had achieved their objectives.

* The US has warned Iran that it will not tolerate attacks on its forces in Iraq.

* Iran has vowed to retaliate for the US airstrikes.

* The airstrikes come at a time of heightened tensions between the US and Iran.