US State Financial Officers Urge Biden to Unwaveringly Support Israel Amid Rafah Invasion

Nearly 30 state-level financial officers in the US have implored the Biden administration to maintain its support for Israel amidst the ongoing IDF operation in Rafah, emphasizing the need for precision weapons to defend Israel's existence.

Red-state financial officers urge Biden to back Israel, 'alarmed' of wavering support in 'hour of need'

US State Financial Officers Urge Biden to Unwaveringly Support Israel Amid Rafah Invasion

Nearly 30 state-level financial officers in the United States have written to President Biden, urging him to continue his support for Israel amidst the ongoing IDF operation in Rafah. The officers, representing the State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF), expressed concern over the potential wavering of the administration's commitment to Israel and called for the provision of precision weapons to defend against Hamas.

Red-state financial officers urge Biden to back Israel, 'alarmed' of wavering support in 'hour of need'

In their letter, the officers highlighted the recent violent and antisemitic protests that have erupted across the country, expressing alarm that the equivocation of such abhorrent behavior has emboldened protesters. They emphasized the need for the US to stand firmly with Israel in its hour of need, especially given the importance of precision weapons for the Jewish state's defense.

The officers also filed a resolution affirming their unwavering support for Israel and vowing to address antisemitism in educational institutions within their states. They pledged to avoid investing in entities that convey antisemitic sentiments or contribute to non-profit organizations that are openly antisemitic.

Red-state financial officers urge Biden to back Israel, 'alarmed' of wavering support in 'hour of need'

Last week, President Biden threatened to withhold weapons from Israel if the Jewish state goes forward with its invasion of Rafah, Hamas' last stronghold in Gaza. Biden clarified that the US will continue sending defensive weapons to Israel, like supplies for Israel's Iron Dome.

The state treasurers urged Biden to eliminate any equivocation in his words and actions when it comes to supporting Israel as it fights against the terrorist group Hamas. Louisiana state treasurer, John Fleming, emphasized that Israel should not stop fighting until Hamas is eliminated, while also expressing the importance of protecting Palestinian civilians as much as possible.

Red-state financial officers urge Biden to back Israel, 'alarmed' of wavering support in 'hour of need'

Fleming compared the fight against Hamas to America's war against ISIS extremism, highlighting the terrorist nature of the group. He condemned the vile and evil tactics employed by Hamas, including hostage-taking, rape, and mutilation.

While Israel has taken military action in Rafah, according to Biden, they have yet to cross his red line by entering population centers. Biden has stated that if Israel enters Rafah, he will not provide the weapons that have been used historically to deal with such situations.

Biden has faced criticism from Republicans for his administration's delay in shipping weapons to Israel despite Congressional approval of the foreign aid package. Anti-Israel protests have erupted across the country on college campuses in recent weeks, prompting concerns among the state financial officers.

The officers' letter and resolution represent a significant show of support for Israel from the state level in the United States. They urge the Biden administration to maintain its unwavering commitment to Israel's security and to provide the necessary weapons to defend against the threat posed by Hamas.