Vance Defends Trump's False Conviction Claims, Blames Democrats for Political Persecution

Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) vehemently denounced the conviction of former President Donald Trump in his New York hush money trial, accusing Democrats of politically motivated prosecution and warning that such actions could lead to the downfall of the United States.

Vance Defends Trump's False Conviction Claims, Blames Democrats for Political Persecution

Senator J.D. Vance, who is on Trump's vice presidential pick shortlist, vehemently defended the former president's claims that his New York hush money trial was politically motivated and an unjust ruling intended to boost President Biden's re-election chances while harming Trump's political aspirations.

Vance Defends Trump's False Conviction Claims, Blames Democrats for Political Persecution

In an interview with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer on Friday, Vance condemned the trial as a "political sham" and a masquerade of justice for political gain. Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records on Thursday, which Vance claimed was an attempt to portray Trump as a "convicted felon."

Blitzer challenged Vance, asking if he would consider being the running mate of a "convicted felon." Vance rejected the premise, arguing that the sole purpose of the trial was to damage Trump's reputation and prevent his potential political comeback.

Vance Defends Trump's False Conviction Claims, Blames Democrats for Political Persecution

Vance asserted that the trial was not focused on justice but rather on politically tarnishing Trump. He pointed to the involvement of individuals outside the courtroom who engaged in political actions, such as actor Robert De Niro appearing at a Biden campaign rally on the day of jury instructions.

Blitzer dismissed Vance's claims, stating that the trial was not orchestrated by Biden but by the Manhattan District Attorney's office. Vance countered by highlighting the involvement of a top Biden Department of Justice official in the prosecution.

Vance Defends Trump's False Conviction Claims, Blames Democrats for Political Persecution

Vance argued that the judge overseeing the trial should have recused himself due to his prior political donations to the Biden campaign and his daughter's financial ties to Democratic candidates. He claimed these factors introduced bias and reversible error into the proceedings.

Blitzer expressed disbelief at Vance's claims, pointing out that the judge's donation to Biden was minimal. Vance insisted that the judge's actions and external influences compromised the fairness of the trial.

Vance warned that if political opponents can be jailed based on their political performance, it would signal the end of America as we know it. He condemned Biden's alleged influence in the prosecution and the politicization of the judicial system.

Blitzer challenged Vance on Trump's claim that the verdict made the United States a fascist state. Vance expressed outrage at the legal proceedings, calling them "disgraceful" and a violation of American values.

"I don't care what you call this," Vance said. "This is not the America I know and love." He emphasized that Trump's conviction was for a paperwork violation and that such actions could undermine the foundations of American democracy.