Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

In a campaign rally in Arizona, Republican vice presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance denounced the prosecutors' decision to negotiate a plea agreement with the individuals responsible for the tragic September 11 attacks.

During a campaign rally in Glendale, Arizona, on Wednesday, Republican vice presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance condemned the decision by prosecutors to enter into a plea deal with 9/11 terrorists as "ridiculous, but not shocking." On September 11, 2001, a dark day in American history, terrorist attacks claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people. Commercial aircraft passengers, civilians on the ground, and first responders tragically lost their lives, and this horrific event is remembered with profound sorrow each year.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

A detailed timeline of the events that unfolded on that morning was provided by the 9/11 Memorial & Museum:

**5:45 a.m.** Terrorists pass through security screening in Portland, Maine.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

**6 a.m.** Polling stations open in New York City.

**7:59 a.m.** American Airlines Flight 11 takes off from Boston.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

**8:15 a.m.** United Airlines Flight 175 takes off from Boston.

**8:19 a.m.** American Airlines ground personnel notified of hijacking by a flight attendant on Flight 11.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

**8:20 a.m.** American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Washington Dulles International Airport.

**8:24 a.m.** Flight 11 transmits message by hijacker.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

**8:30 a.m.** Employees flood into work at the World Trade Center in New York City.

**8:37 a.m.** Boston air traffic control alerts military.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

**8:42 a.m.** United Airlines Flight 93 takes off from Newark, New Jersey, after delay.

**8:46 a.m.** The north tower is hit, first responders head to the scene.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

**8:50 a.m.** President George W. Bush is alerted of north tower hit.

**8:55 a.m.** The south tower is declared secure.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

**8:59 a.m.** A decision is made by PAPD Sgt. Al DeVona to evacuate both towers.

**9 a.m.** Phone calls are made from those trapped on Flight 175.

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

Vance Slams Plea Deal for September 11 Terrorists

**9:02 a.m.** Evacuation commences in south tower.

**9:03 a.m.** South tower is hit, more emergency personnel arrive.

**9:05 a.m.** The president is informed south tower hit, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani goes to NYPD command post.

**9:12 a.m.** Those on the ground are alerted of Flight 77 hijacking through phone calls made from plane.

**9:30 a.m.** The Mayor's Office of Emergency Management is evacuated.

**9:36 a.m.** Vice President Dick Cheney evacuates to Presidential Emergency Operations Center.

**9:37 a.m.** Third plane crashes into Pentagon.

**9:42 a.m.** FAA grounds all flights.

**9:45 a.m.** Evacuations begin at the White House and the U.S. Capitol.

**9:58 a.m.** 911 call is placed by Edward Felt from Flight 93.

**9:59 a.m.** The south tower collapses, continuity of government procedures implemented.

**10:03 a.m.** Flight 93 crashes in field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

**10:15 a.m.** Pentagon E Ring collapses.

**10:28 a.m.** North tower collapses.

**11:02 a.m.** Mayor orders evacuation of Lower Manhattan.

**12:16 p.m.** Last flight in the United States lands.

**12:30 p.m.** Group of 14 survivors are found in north tower ruins.

**Early afternoon:** Rescue efforts continue at Ground Zero.

**3 p.m.** Survivor rescued at World Trade Center site.

**5:20 p.m.** 7 World Trade Center collapses.

**8:30 p.m.** President addresses the nation.

**10:30 p.m.** Rescue workers find trapped PAPD workers.

Vance emphasized that the decision to offer a plea deal to the 9/11 terrorists was unacceptable and failed to deliver justice to the victims and their families. He stated that the individuals responsible for such heinous crimes should face the full consequences of their actions.

The criticism from Vance reflects the ongoing debate surrounding the appropriate punishment for those involved in the September 11 attacks. Some argue that a plea deal may be necessary to obtain valuable information and cooperation in future investigations, while others maintain that such a deal diminishes the severity of the crimes committed.