Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Viganò for Schismatic Acts

Following a canonical investigation, the Vatican has excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former nuncio to the United States, for schismatic actions. The decision was made after a thorough review of his conduct and disregard for the teachings and authority of the Catholic Church.

**Paragraph 1:** The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's highest doctrinal authority, has excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former papal ambassador to the United States, for schism. The decision was made after a thorough investigation into his actions and statements that violated the unity of the Catholic Church.

**Paragraph 2:** According to the Vatican's statement, Archbishop Viganò was found guilty of "committing the delict of schism" by publicly and persistently dissenting from the teachings of the Church and acting against its authority. The statement cited Viganò's repeated public denunciations of Pope Francis and the Vatican hierarchy.

Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Viganò for Schismatic Acts

Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Viganò for Schismatic Acts

**Paragraph 3:** The delict of schism, as defined by canon law, occurs when a baptized Catholic publicly and formally separates themselves from the communion of the Church. Such actions undermine the unity and authority of the Catholic Church and its mission of proclaiming the Gospel.

**Paragraph 4:** Archbishop Viganò's excommunication means that he is barred from receiving the sacraments, holding ecclesiastical offices, or participating in any public liturgical celebrations within the Catholic Church. He is also forbidden from administering sacraments or performing other ministerial functions.

**Paragraph 5:** The Vatican's decision was based on a canonical investigation that examined Viganò's public statements, writings, and actions. The investigation concluded that he had repeatedly and publicly challenged the authority of the Pope and the Church, creating division within the Catholic community.

**Paragraph 6:** The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's investigation focused on Viganò's public denunciations of Pope Francis, particularly regarding his handling of the sexual abuse crisis and his alleged cover-ups. Viganò had accused Francis of knowing about and tolerating sexual abuse by high-ranking church officials.

**Paragraph 7:** The Vatican's statement emphasized that excommunication is not a penalty but a declaration of an existing state of separation from the Church. It is a means of protecting the unity and integrity of the Catholic community and ensuring the proper exercise of ecclesiastical authority.

**Paragraph 8:** Archbishop Viganò has been a controversial figure since he released a letter in 2018 accusing Pope Francis of covering up for the sexual abuse of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Viganò's allegations have been the subject of much debate and scrutiny.

**Paragraph 9:** The excommunication of Archbishop Viganò is a significant event in the history of the Catholic Church. It serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and obedience to the Church's teachings and authority. The decision underscores the Vatican's commitment to maintaining the integrity of the Church and the integrity of its mission.

**Paragraph 10:** The excommunication of Archbishop Viganò is a reminder that the Catholic Church is a community of faith that is based on unity and obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church's magisterium. While respectful dissent within the Church is permissible, open defection and schismatic actions will not be tolerated.