Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

Minnesota National Guard Command Sgt. Maj. Paul Herr (Ret.) alleges that Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz embellished his military record, claiming he falsely represented his rank and avoided deployment.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz has come under fire for alleged misrepresentations of his military service, with fellow guardsmen accusing him of lying about his rank and experience. Minnesota National Guard Command Sgt. Maj. Paul Herr (Ret.), who first raised concerns about Walz's military claims in 2018, appeared on "Fox & Friends" to discuss why he believes the Minnesota governor engaged in "stolen valor."

Herr specifically challenged Walz's claim to have retired as a sergeant major, asserting that he retired as a master sergeant instead. He also accused Walz of dodging deployment to Iraq in 2005, while simultaneously assuring other soldiers that he would be deployed.

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

Herr claimed that Walz "subverted the chain of command" and retired prematurely to "feather his own bed." He further alleged that Walz never attended the Sergeant Majors Academy and was stripped of his rank as command sergeant major upon leaving the National Guard, despite continuing to claim the title.

Another former member of Walz's battalion, Ret. Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Behrends, supported Herr's claims, stating that Walz's promotion to command sergeant major in 2004 was contingent on serving two additional years, a condition he did not fulfill. Behrends emphasized that Walz's early retirement resulted in his rank being reduced to master sergeant.

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

"What he did, basically, was he quit," Behrends said. "He didn't complete that condition of doing two years after graduation, so he gets reduced to a master sergeant, and that's what he is right now, is a retired master sergeant."

The Minnesota National Guard acknowledged Walz's service from 1981 to 2005, culminating in his role as Command Sergeant Major for the battalion. However, the Guard noted that Walz retired as a Master Sergeant in 2005 for "benefit purposes," since he had not completed the coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

Herr dismissed this response as "misleading," claiming that Walz never enrolled in the academy and had not even attempted the coursework. He accused the Guard of providing a "very political answer" that obscured the true nature of Walz's actions.

The allegations against Walz have drawn criticism from fellow veterans, who have accused him of "stolen valor" and undermining the integrity of military service. These allegations have emerged as Walz serves as running mate to Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, raising questions about the potential impact on the Democratic campaign.

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service

Veteran Accuses Walz of Misrepresenting Military Service