Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA), facing a tough re-election race, remained silent when questioned about her support for Vice President Kamala Harris for president and her handling of illegal immigration as the administration's "border czar."

In a surprising move, Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA) declined to answer direct questions about whether she supports Vice President Kamala Harris for president and her performance as the administration's "border czar."

Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

The interaction occurred as Gluesenkamp Perez walked through the Capitol Hill neighborhood in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. When asked by a reporter if she endorsed Harris, Gluesenkamp Perez remained silent and continued walking. Repeated attempts to elicit a response proved unsuccessful.

Gluesenkamp Perez's campaign further distanced itself from Harris by stating that the congresswoman has "no plans" to endorse the vice president. When pressed about Harris's handling of illegal immigration at the southern border, Gluesenkamp Perez maintained her silence.

Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

However, Gluesenkamp Perez's actions on Thursday hinted at her disapproval of Harris's border policies. She was one of only six Democrats to vote in favor of a House resolution condemning the handling of the crisis, the first such measure targeting Harris since she became the Democratic Party's presumptive 2024 presidential nominee.

Gluesenkamp Perez's decision to avoid addressing Harris's record on the border places her in a distinct minority among her Democratic colleagues. Reps. Emilia Sykes (D-OH) and Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) have also dodged questions on the subject this week.

Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

The silence of these House members highlights the growing discontent within the Democratic Party over Harris's performance as both a potential presidential candidate and in her designated border role.

Gluesenkamp Perez's silence carries particular significance given her position as a vulnerable Democrat facing re-election. She won her 2022 race by a razor-thin margin of less than 2 points, making her a potential target for Republicans seeking to flip the seat.

Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

Vulnerable House Dem Ignores Questions on Supporting Kamala Harris for President

The Cook Political Report classifies Gluesenkamp Perez's race as a "Democrat toss-up," indicating the likelihood of a close contest. Her failure to take a position on Harris, a popular figure within the Democratic base, could alienate voters and damage her chances of retaining her seat.

The Republican Party has seized upon this opportunity to portray Gluesenkamp Perez as an aloof politician more concerned with party loyalty than with the interests of her constituents. National Republican Congressional Committee spokesperson Ben Petersen accused Gluesenkamp Perez of "callous dismissal" of the border crisis and dodging questions about Harris.

Gluesenkamp Perez is not the only Washington Democrat yet to endorse Harris, but she represents a growing number of party members expressing hesitation about the vice president's candidacy. The silence of these members exposes divisions within the Democratic Party and could shape the party's presidential nomination race.