Warframe's Lotus Eaters Update: A Prologue to the 90s-Themed Warframe: 1999 Expansion

The latest Warframe update, Lotus Eaters, serves as a prologue to the upcoming Warframe: 1999 expansion. The update introduces a new Warframe, Sevagoth Prime, new Prime weapons, and a new Prime companion. It also teases the upcoming expansion, which will offer a 90s-themed perspective on the Warframe universe.

Warframe's latest update, Lotus Eaters, has arrived, bringing with it a host of new content and teases for the upcoming Warframe: 1999 expansion.

The Lotus Eaters update serves as a prologue to the upcoming expansion, setting the stage for the events to come. The update introduces a new Warframe, Sevagoth Prime, who offers increased energy, shield, and armor stats, as well as an additional Naramon Polarity mod slot. Sevagoth Prime's Well of Gloom and Exalted Shadow abilities allow him to control the battlefield and inflict devastating damage on enemies.

Warframe's Lotus Eaters Update: A Prologue to the 90s-Themed Warframe: 1999 Expansion

Warframe's Lotus Eaters Update: A Prologue to the 90s-Themed Warframe: 1999 Expansion

In addition to the new Warframe, the Lotus Eaters update also introduces new Prime weapons and a new Prime companion. The Epitaph Prime wrist-mounted sidearm offers high precision and damage, while the Nautilus Prime companion provides valuable support abilities to players.

Players will also be able to customize their Sentinels with a range of new cosmetics and attachments. These new additions allow players to personalize their Sentinels and make them more effective in combat.

The Lotus Eaters update also teases the upcoming Warframe: 1999 expansion. The expansion will offer a 90s-themed perspective on the Warframe universe, with all the neon visuals and techno music you would expect. The expansion will also introduce new story content, gameplay mechanics, and cosmetics.

To celebrate the release of the Lotus Eaters update, Warframe is offering a free Prime Access pack for a limited time. This pack includes Sevagoth Prime, the Epitaph Prime, and the Nautilus Prime. Players can earn these items by completing challenges in the game or by purchasing them directly.

The Lotus Eaters update is a major addition to Warframe, offering new content and teases for the upcoming Warframe: 1999 expansion. With its new Warframe, Prime weapons, and Prime companion, the update is sure to please fans of the game.

* New story missions that follow up on the Whispers in the Walls quest

* A reworked version of the Jupiter tileset

* New enemy types, including the Lotus Eaters and the Shadow Stalkers

* New weapons and gear, including the Supra Vandal and the Prisma Gorgon

* New cosmetics and attachments for Warframes, weapons, and Sentinels

* Various bug fixes and performance improvements

The Lotus Eaters update is a major addition to Warframe that offers new content, teases for the upcoming Warframe: 1999 expansion, and various improvements to the game. With its new Warframe, Prime weapons, and Prime companion, the update is sure to please fans of the game.