Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

Kennewick School Board President Gabe Galbraith criticizes the notion that allowing biological males in female sports is inclusive and calls for schools to take a stand to protect girls' athletics.

In the ongoing debate over transgender participation in sports, Washington school board president Gabe Galbraith has emerged as a vocal advocate for the protection of girls' athletics. Galbraith, who leads the Kennewick School Board, has spoken out against the argument that allowing biological males to compete in female sports is inclusive, calling it instead "exclusive" for girls.

"The one thing that people say, a lot of times, is that they argue that including, I guess, boys or men in women's sports, that's really inclusive," Galbraith told Fox News Digital. "But the fact is it's exclusive. Because we're excluding girls and women now."

Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

Galbraith's stance is reflected in a resolution recently passed by the Kennewick School District, which affirms that biological males should not compete with biological females in sports. The resolution cites inherent biological differences between males and females and commits to protecting female sports.

"We have too many people just kind of sitting on the sidelines and not voicing their concerns. So we decided we were going to take a stand. We came up with this resolution, and we passed it at our local school board meeting, just this last week," Galbraith said.

Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

The resolution follows a controversial incident at the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) state track and field meet, where a transgender runner won the girls' 400-meter sprint. Galbraith acknowledged that the incident influenced the timing of the resolution's release.

According to WIAA policy, athletes compete in programs "consistent with their gender identity or the gender most consistently expressed." However, the association does not require athletes to undergo hormone therapy or use hormone blockers.

Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

Galbraith believes that this policy creates an unfair advantage for biological males competing in female sports. He argues that biological differences between males and females, such as strength and speed, cannot be eliminated through hormone therapy.

"They tell us it's never going to happen in your state. It'll never happen. And then it happens. And then we were able to come out and stand up against it with our resolution, which effectively is just our board saying that we don't support it," Galbraith said.

Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

Washington School Board President Blasts Inclusivity Argument, Advocates for Protection of Girls' Sports

Galbraith hopes that the Kennewick School District resolution will inspire other school boards to take a stand on this issue and advocate for the protection of girls' sports. He believes that these resolutions can help influence state legislators to make changes to current policies.

"We have to try to work with our legislators and stuff to affect some change to figure out what the next step is," Galbraith said.

The debate over transgender participation in sports is likely to continue for some time. However, Galbraith's resolution and his advocacy for girls' sports have ignited a conversation and sparked awareness about this important issue.