Watergate: A New Perspective

A new documentary, "Watergate Secrets and Betrayals," aims to shed light on a different narrative of the infamous Watergate scandal, claiming that President Nixon's resignation was orchestrated by political enemies.

Fifty years after President Richard Nixon's historic resignation in the face of the Watergate scandal, a new documentary claims to offer a fresh perspective on the events that unfolded. "Watergate Secrets and Betrayals," directed by George Bugatti, is based on the work of Geoff Shepard, who served as deputy counsel on Nixon's Watergate defense team.

Shepard contends that the American public has been largely misinformed about the scandal and that Nixon's demise was engineered by high-powered government officials. The documentary presents evidence, unearthed by Shepard through years of meticulous research, that suggests a coordinated effort to oust Nixon from office.

Watergate: A New Perspective

Watergate: A New Perspective

"If the public knew then what I know now, what is unassailable, factual material, Nixon wouldn't have had to resign, and his people wouldn't have been convicted," Shepard told Fox News Digital.

Shepard spent over 27,000 hours examining the records of the Watergate special prosecutor, uncovering a "paper trail" that he believes reveals the wrongdoing committed by judicial and prosecutorial interests.

Watergate: A New Perspective

Watergate: A New Perspective

According to Shepard, the elite media of the 1970s played a significant role in shaping the public's perception of Watergate. "There was only one narrative, and that came from a uniform media," he said. "All six organizations were headquartered within six blocks of Midtown Manhattan."

He argues that Americans never heard a narrative beyond what the media elites wanted them to hear, and it was decades before former President Trump made it somewhat mainstream to question the press.

Watergate: A New Perspective

Watergate: A New Perspective

"Watergate Secrets and Betrayals" aims to present the facts, backed by opinions and insights from judges, law professors, and practitioners, to provide a more nuanced understanding of the scandal. John O'Hurley, known for his portrayal of J. Peterman on "Seinfeld," hosts the documentary.

"He's a true believer," Shepard said of O'Hurley. "He's seen the documents."

Watergate: A New Perspective

Watergate: A New Perspective

Shepard hopes that the film will open eyes and inspire viewers to question the official narrative surrounding Watergate. "When the documentary is over, we hope many of the audience will say, ‘Son of a gun, if we had known that back 50 years ago, Nixon would never have had to resign. His people would never have been convicted. The other side lied to us and cheated,'" he said.

"Watergate Secrets and Betrayals" will be released on August 8, the 50th anniversary of Nixon's resignation. The trailer is available now on WatergateSecrets.com.

Watergate: A New Perspective

Watergate: A New Perspective