West Coast Exodus: Families Seek Freedom and Safety in Idaho

Thousands of families are fleeing liberal policies in California, Oregon, and Washington for the red state refuge of Idaho. They cite oppressive COVID restrictions, educational concerns, and a desire to be "left alone" as reasons for their move.

West Coast Exodus: Families Seek Freedom and Safety in Idaho

North Idaho is experiencing a cultural shift as an influx of families from the West Coast settles in. These transplants have found a welcoming community where people engage in friendly interactions and value personal freedom.

Seth Horst, a former California Highway Patrol officer, was struck by the warmth and friendliness he encountered in Coeur d'Alene. People made eye contact, smiled, and struck up conversations, something he missed from his former life in California. Within three months of their initial visit, Horst and his family had moved to Idaho.

West Coast Exodus: Families Seek Freedom and Safety in Idaho

Idaho's population has grown by over 12% since 2018, largely due to migration from other states. Families from California, Oregon, and Washington share similar reasons for their move: a desire to escape oppressive policies and find a place where they can be free.

COVID restrictions played a major role in the decision to relocate. Idaho's lack of a statewide mask mandate and its early reopening of schools made it an attractive destination for families like Nick Kostenborder and Ashley Manning, who were dissatisfied with the lockdowns and masking requirements in Portland.

West Coast Exodus: Families Seek Freedom and Safety in Idaho

Educational policies were also a motivating factor. Bryan Zielinski, a conservative from the Seattle area, was concerned about the impact of progressive curricula on his daughter's education. After moving to Idaho, he found that his daughter was happier and doing better academically.

Gun laws were another key consideration for Zielinski, an advocate for the Second Amendment. Idaho's open carry laws and lack of regulations on high-capacity magazines and "assault weapons" appealed to him.

West Coast Exodus: Families Seek Freedom and Safety in Idaho

Idaho's business-friendly environment has also attracted entrepreneurs and businesses fleeing the more regulated states to the west. The state has cut over 1,800 pages of regulations in recent years, earning it the distinction of being the "least regulated state" in 2020.

While Idaho is less free in some areas compared to its neighbors, families are willing to overlook these differences or agree with them. For example, while West Coast states have passed laws on transgender kids, Idaho has banned transition drugs and surgeries for minors.

West Coast Exodus: Families Seek Freedom and Safety in Idaho

The allure of Idaho extends beyond politics. Families appreciate the clean and safe communities, the friendly atmosphere, and the breathtaking scenery. The "Long Bridge moment," driving across the bridge spanning Lake Pend Oreille, is a symbolic moment of arrival for many transplants.

Ashley Manning initially missed some aspects of Portland, but she realized that her family truly belonged in Idaho. She appreciates the freedom to share her opinions and practice her faith openly, and she has made close friends among fellow transplants.

West Coast Exodus: Families Seek Freedom and Safety in Idaho

For these families, Idaho offers a refuge from the perceived oppressive policies of their former states. They have found a sense of belonging, freedom, and safety in their new home, where they can raise their families and live their lives on their own terms.