West Coast Exodus: Washington's Gun Control Laws Drive Idaho Business Boom

Idaho gun store owner Bryan Zielinski warns of the consequences of strict gun control measures as he sees a surge in customers from neighboring Washington state, which has implemented some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation.

West Coast Exodus: Washington's Gun Control Laws Drive Idaho Business Boom

In the quaint town of Post Falls, Idaho, the parking lot outside North Idaho Arms is abuzz. It is a Saturday morning, but Bryan Zielinski, the store's owner, knows that soon it will fill with cars, many with Washington plates.

Zielinski himself is a former Washingtonian, having relocated his family to Idaho last year. He was a lifelong gun advocate and former manager of a large gun store in Bellevue, Washington. But he watched in dismay as the state's gun control laws grew increasingly restrictive until he felt he had no choice but to move.

West Coast Exodus: Washington's Gun Control Laws Drive Idaho Business Boom

"Some of the most restrictive gun control in the United States is now in western Washington," Zielinski said. "And that all happened in the space of less than three years."

Washington's Democratic-led legislature has passed a slew of gun control measures in recent years. It has banned magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds, outlawed the sale and import of "assault weapons," and prohibited the manufacture, import, or distribution of high-capacity magazines.

West Coast Exodus: Washington's Gun Control Laws Drive Idaho Business Boom

These laws have angered many gun owners, who say they violate their Second Amendment rights. Zielinski is one of them. He believes that the laws are unnecessary and ineffective.

"People are not using these guns to commit crimes," he said. "They're using them for self-defense, for hunting, for sport."

West Coast Exodus: Washington's Gun Control Laws Drive Idaho Business Boom

Zielinski is not alone in his views. A 2022 poll suggested that a majority of Washington residents supported a ban on "assault weapons." However, a recent survey found that 64% of Washington residents oppose a ban on high-capacity magazines.

The influx of gun buyers from Washington is a testament to the growing opposition to gun control measures in the state. Zielinski says that some customers drive five hours from the Seattle area just to buy magazines and other accessories that are outlawed in their home state.

West Coast Exodus: Washington's Gun Control Laws Drive Idaho Business Boom

"We're seeing people wanting to make the drive solely just to experience a little bit of freedom, the freedom that they lost in Washington," Zielinski said.

Zielinski's story is a cautionary tale for other states considering gun control measures. He believes that the laws are not only ineffective but also drive away businesses and residents.

West Coast Exodus: Washington's Gun Control Laws Drive Idaho Business Boom

"We've seen a mass exodus of people leaving Washington and coming to Idaho," he said. "And I think a lot of that is due to the gun laws."

Idaho has some of the most gun-friendly laws in the country. It is one of nearly 30 states with constitutional concealed carry, has no laws regulating high-capacity magazines or semi-automatic rifles, and even allows residents to own a machine gun as long as it's registered.

Zielinski believes that Idaho's gun laws are a major reason why the state is seeing an influx of people from Washington and other blue states. He says that many of his customers tell him that they are moving to Idaho because they want to live in a state where they can exercise their Second Amendment rights without fear of prosecution.

"Idaho is a beacon of freedom," Zielinski said. "And I think we're going to see more and more people coming here in the years to come."