White House Grills CNN on Buttker's Welcome Amidst Uproar

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faced tough questions from CNN reporter MJ Lee over whether Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker remains welcome at the White House following his controversial commencement speech. Butker's remarks criticized President Biden and abortion, drawing the ire of the liberal media.

White House Grills CNN on Buttker's Welcome Amidst Uproar

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre found herself in the hot seat on Friday as CNN's senior White House correspondent, MJ Lee, grilled her over whether Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker still holds an invitation to the White House.

White House Grills CNN on Buttker's Welcome Amidst Uproar

The controversy stems from Butker's commencement address at Benedictine College, where he criticized President Biden and abortion, praising his wife for her role as a "homemaker."

Lee began the interrogation by asking, "Can we still assume that the Kansas City Chiefs will be visiting the White House this year in celebration of their Super Bowl victory?"

White House Grills CNN on Buttker's Welcome Amidst Uproar

Jean-Pierre responded cautiously, "The championship winner of any sports team is always welcomed to the White House. Everyone on the team is invited."

Undeterred, Lee pressed further, "So can you confirm—you said everyone on the team is obviously invited. Is the Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker welcomed at this White House?"

White House Grills CNN on Buttker's Welcome Amidst Uproar

Jean-Pierre evaded, "We invite the entire team, and we do that always. I don't have anything beyond that."

Lee persisted, "Given his recent comments, is he specifically welcomed at this point in time?"

Jean-Pierre reiterated, "We invite the team. It's an invitation that goes to the team, and so it's up to the team who comes and doesn't come."

The CNN reporter refused to let up, "So the question is, is he still welcome?"

Jean-Pierre remained steadfast, "It's an invitation that goes to the team."

The White House's reluctance to provide a clear answer fueled speculation that Butker's invitation may be in jeopardy. The liberal media has condemned Butker's speech, accusing him of being anti-abortion and anti-Biden.

However, Butker's supporters hailed his speech as a defense of his faith and traditional values. Several NFL stars, including Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, have expressed support for Butker.

The White House's hesitation to directly address Butker's status suggests that they are navigating a delicate balancing act between acknowledging the outrage of the liberal media and avoiding alienating the millions of Chiefs fans who may support Butker's views.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not Butker attends the White House celebration will rest with the Kansas City Chiefs organization. If they choose to extend an invitation to Butker, it could ignite further controversy and magnify the divide between the White House and conservative segments of the country.