Will Trump Debate Kamala Harris? Trump Campaign Adviser Weighs In

Former President Trump's campaign adviser Jason Miller has stated that Trump will debate the official Democratic Party nominee, but questioned whether that will be Vice President Harris.

President Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race has ignited speculation about who will represent the Democratic Party against former President Trump in the upcoming election. While Vice President Kamala Harris is the presumed nominee, Trump's campaign has adopted a cautious approach, hinting that they may not automatically agree to a debate with her.

Trump's campaign adviser, Jason Miller, has emphasized that the Democratic Party needs to finalize their nominee before any formal commitments can be made regarding debates. He expressed skepticism about whether Harris has secured the party's nomination unequivocally.

Will Trump Debate Kamala Harris? Trump Campaign Adviser Weighs In

Will Trump Debate Kamala Harris? Trump Campaign Adviser Weighs In

"We think the Democrats need to pick who their ultimate nominee is going to be," Miller said.

This stance stems from the fact that Harris has not officially clinched the nomination through the Democratic National Convention. Miller pointed out that just a month ago, many Democrats were advocating for a "mini-primary" with alternative candidates.

Will Trump Debate Kamala Harris? Trump Campaign Adviser Weighs In

Will Trump Debate Kamala Harris? Trump Campaign Adviser Weighs In

"Hold on, we need to make sure the Democrats actually go through and lock in Kamala Harris," Miller said. "It was only a month ago that many Democrats who wanted to throw Joe Biden overboard were saying, ‘We need to go to this mini-primary. We need to go with somebody else other than Kamala Harris.’"

Miller emphasized the recent shift in Democratic support towards Harris and questioned the motives behind it.

Will Trump Debate Kamala Harris? Trump Campaign Adviser Weighs In

Will Trump Debate Kamala Harris? Trump Campaign Adviser Weighs In

"It’s only been this past week that there's been any sort of effort to rally around Kamala Harris," Miller said. "The exact same people, in fact, that were saying that Joe Biden was okay are the same people that are saying now we have to get behind Harris."

Harris has already raised over $200 million in campaign funds, demonstrating her strong financial support. However, Miller raised concerns about the validity of Biden's supporters being told that their votes were now invalidated.

"Fourteen million Democrats voted for Joe Biden in this primary system," Miller said. "And now all those voters will be told that that's invalidated."

When asked directly if Trump would debate Harris, Miller responded cautiously.

"Of course, we are going to debate the Democratic nominee," Miller said. "If that's Kamala Harris, once she goes through and that becomes formalized."

Harris's campaign has not yet responded to requests for comment on the possibility of a debate with Trump.

As the race for the Democratic nomination intensifies, the question of who will face Trump in the general election remains unanswered. The outcome of the Democratic National Convention in August will provide clarity on the party's official nominee and set the stage for an anticipated showdown between Trump and the Democratic challenger.