Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

Amanda Chapin, 51, pleaded no contest to reckless endangerment charges for poisoning her 71-year-old veterinarian husband, Gary Chapin, with barbituates stolen from his clinic. Chapin's actions put her husband in a coma and left him with lasting health issues.

A Wisconsin woman has pleaded no contest to charges of poisoning her 71-year-old veterinarian husband with animal euthanasia drugs, a crime that left him in a coma and facing serious health consequences.

Amanda Alicia Chapin, 51, was arrested in September 2022 after her husband, Gary Chapin, was found unconscious in their home. Blood tests revealed that he had been given high doses of barbiturates, which are used to euthanize animals.

Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

According to the criminal complaint, Chapin had been stealing the drugs from her husband's veterinary clinic and putting them in his coffee. She allegedly poisoned him three times between July and August 2022, shortly after their marriage in March of that year.

Chapin's actions were motivated by a desire for financial gain. She had allegedly forged one of her husband's children's signatures on a power of attorney document, ensuring that she would become the sole homeowner in the event of his death. She also pressured him to amend the deed to his house, giving her exclusive ownership.

Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

Two weeks after the deed was amended, Chapin began drugging her husband's coffee. The couple had met online, and their relationship had been rocky from the start, with suspicions that Chapin was simply taking advantage of her husband's wealth.

The third and final dose of the drugs put Gary Chapin into a four-day coma. When he was taken to the hospital, it was discovered that he had the same drugs in his system that he used to euthanize animals.

Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

Chapin waited three hours to call 911 when her husband became unresponsive. While he was in a coma, she logged into his personal email and began forwarding herself email conversations with his attorney and children.

Gary Chapin's son had filed a restraining order against Chapin, suspecting that she was responsible for his father's medical emergency. However, Chapin violated the order by emailing her husband a suicide note, claiming that she would kill herself because his children were trying to "destroy" her.

Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

Wisconsin Woman Poisoned Husband with Euthanasia Drugs, Faces Decade-Long Prison Sentence

Chapin was arrested and charged with first-degree attempted homicide. However, the charge was downgraded to first-degree reckless endangering the safety of Gary Chapin in a plea deal with Lafayette County prosecutors.

On Friday, Chapin pleaded no contest to the felony charges of reckless endangerment of safety in Lafayette County Circuit Court. She faces a maximum of 12.5 years in a state correctional facility.

Gary Chapin survived the poisoning, but his health has been severely impacted. He continues to suffer from neurological and cognitive issues as a result of the drugs.

Chapin's motives for poisoning her husband remain unclear. However, her actions have had devastating consequences for both Gary Chapin and his family. The case highlights the dangers of elder abuse and the importance of protecting vulnerable members of society.