YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions

Gun Owners of America claims YouTube's new policy restricting firearm content for minors promotes an anti-gun narrative and undermines Second Amendment rights.

Gun Owners of America, a non-profit lobbying organization, has vehemently denounced YouTube's recently announced age restrictions on videos showcasing the use of firearms, accusing the web video giant of pushing an "ominous narrative" to minors that portrays firearms as inherently evil.

YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions

YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions

In a strongly worded letter to YouTube CEO Neal Mohan, Gun Owners of America expressed its "grave concern" over the new policy, which prohibits content demonstrating the removal of safety devices and age-restricts videos featuring homemade firearms, automatic firearms, and certain firearm accessories.

The organization argued that restricting access to such content for adults, especially when it depicts constitutionally protected activities, is a clear violation of First Amendment rights. It further alleged that the policy change aims to indoctrinate minors into believing that firearms are inherently dangerous, while allowing Hollywood and anti-gun corporate media to continue promoting misleading narratives about firearms without facing any restrictions.

YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions

YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions

Gun Owners of America also raised concerns about the broader implications of the policy change, expressing fears that it would have a "chilling effect" on First and Second Amendment rights and make it easier for future restrictions to be imposed without question or resistance from informed individuals.

The organization cited the timing of the policy change, which coincides with an election cycle, as highly suspect and claimed that it was potentially influenced by partisan interests favoring gun control. Gun Owners of America demanded to know whether the Biden administration or the White House had any say in the decision and whether any pressure had been applied by gun control groups or Democrats to push YouTube into taking this action.

YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions

YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions

In response, a YouTube spokesperson stated that the updates to the firearms policy were part of ongoing efforts to align policies with the current content landscape on the platform. The spokesperson emphasized that the consultation of third-party experts, such as law enforcement and public safety stakeholders, was sought to ensure that the line was drawn appropriately.

However, Gun Owners of America dismissed these explanations as inadequate, reiterating its belief that the policy change was motivated by a desire to suppress pro-gun content and advance an anti-gun agenda. The organization demanded prompt responses to its questions and expressed its commitment to protecting the rights of millions of Americans whose First and Second Amendment rights are at stake.

YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions

YouTube Accused of Demonizing Firearms in New Age Restrictions